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C-mantic is very easy to set up and is designed to work out-of-the-box. After installation, check out the extension’s settings for various ways to customize C-mantic.


C-mantic can be installed directly from VS Code by searching for it in the Extensions side-bar, or by launching Quick Open (Ctrl+P) and entering the command ext install tdennis4496.cmantic. You can also download it directly from VS Code’s Marketplace here.


Requires a C/C++ language server extension (IntelliSense) for full functionality, such as Microsoft’s C/C++ extension.

Language Server

C-mantic is designed to work with any C/C++ language server, and is primarily tested with C/C++ (ms-vscode.cpptools) and clangd (llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd), but will also work on ccls (ccls-project.ccls). If you use a different language server, C-mantic may still work, but is untested. If you find a bug that you suspect might be related to your language server, please open an Issue and state what language server you are using.


If you find that features of C-mantic aren’t working, first make sure that your language server (IntelliSense) is working correctly. To do this, check out the Outline View, usually found in the Explorer side-bar. The Outline View should show all source code symbols for the current file. Also, make sure Go to Definition and Go to Declaration are working. If C-mantic still isn’t working correctly, open an Issue on GitHub and describe the problem along with any relevant information.


  • C-mantic relies on the language server to provide information about your source code in order to function correctly. Because of this, if the language server running slowly, C-mantic may fail to provide code-actions right away. For instance, if you type out a function declaration, C-mantic won’t be able to provide the Add Definition code-actions until the language server updates. To mitigate this, you can change how often the language server updates in response to code changes:
    • For C/C++ (ms-vscode.cpptools), you can lower the C_Cpp: Intelli Sense Update Delay setting (default 2000ms).
    • For ccls (ccls-project.ccls), you can lower the Status Update Interval setting (default 2000ms).